Monday, March 9, 2009

Randoms about me

I was tagged by Jen, so here we go: 7 Random Things About Me: 1.) I love being a mother and I find no greater joy than the joy Josh and I have with our little man. I never thought I could love someone so much. I have a different perspective on life, now that I am a mom. I never want to get babysitters for him, cause I don't need a break, I just want more time with him. After my 4 hours of work a day, all I want to do is go home and be with him. 2.) I loved being pregnant and am kind of excited to get pregnanat again (Don't let Josh know). I really found it enjoyable growing a tummy that had a miracle in it.I have enjoyed all the stages of motherhood (besides recovery) and know that I was made to be a mother. 3.) I never get enough sleep. Even when I know I have an hour or some free time I always find something more important to do. 4.) I am always doing something and never really take a break. Josh always asks me to just relax. Even when we are watching a movie, I am folding clothes or correcting school papers. I guess I don't know how to relax, because even after I had James, I don't really remember anytime just laying in my bed and resting. I was always on the go or doing something. I guess I am just always about being productive. 5.) I hate cleaning dishes and ironing. I would rather do all the other chores and everything around the house, but these things are sometimes left for last. Josh knows how happy it makes me when he cleans the dishes. I keep telling him I want a dish washer. 6.) I have been procrastinsating on a few projects I should have completed along time ago. Everyday I have intentions to start on them, but always am consumed by bigger and better things- hubby and baby. 7.) Teaching is one of my passions, besides being a mom. I love how nerdy and excited I get when teaching and I know my students love how crazy I am. What can I say, I try to create fun memories for them. I really love being the one in charge and being the one that they all look up to and think is cool. I find teaching to be so rewarding and I get secret little letters from them all the time. People say teachers can't really have favorites, well there are some that you just click with and find greater joy in- I do have my favorites of course. There is just a few randoms about me. Now I tag Amber, Cassie and Lacey.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

We really should have been friends years ago...or at least from day one when you moved into the ward. I could just copy your whole post and say it's mine- we're that similar. Crazy!