Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby to little boy

4 MONTHS: James is sleeping through the night (7-9 hours), drinking 8-10 oz per feeding,is a wiggle worm, grasps things with hands, notices reflection (not sure if he knows it is his, but he smiles at his reflection and responds), knows mommy and daddy's voices, smiles a whole lot, when tickled on his neck/tummy/armpits and ears- he giggles and opens his mouths with a big grin, loves to mimic back with his baby babbling, loves noises and music, when the T.V is on he always finds a way to watch it, he loves to stand with our help, he tries so hard to pull himself up with the help of our hands, he loves to sit up and has a very strong back, he has complete control of his neck and can turn in any direction, loves any kind of movement, falls asleep the best with the silky part of his blanky placed right next to his cheeks,he doesn't prefer cuddling unless he is extremely tired, he wants to stay up the majority of the day and tries to fight off being tired- yet when it hits he's completely out after he gives his tired cry, prefers the bottle over his momma- yet is still getting his momma's milk, everytime he wakes up and I go into his room- he greets me with a huge smile, he fits into 6 month clothing and he is only 4 months, he weighs 15 lbs 10 oz,he is 25 inches long, he enjoys sucking his fingers (or whole hand), he had his first throw up and it was only the size of a 1/2 dollar coin, his eyes are his best feature (dark blue/grey)- I hope they stay that color, his head is perfectly round and perfect, when he is focusing- he flex's his big toe, his redness (birthmark) on his eyes and neck are fading- now to a lighter pink, he can stand tummy time for about 10 minutes, he loves pulling his mommy's hair, he looks exactly like his daddy, he prefers being held outward so he can see what is happening in front of him, he is always warm, his feet sweat, he loves showers and doesn't mind when water goes on his face, he's a total mover and loves to be stimulated and when I talk to him in my baby talk and tell him I love him- his face lights up and he gives me the biggest smile. I know James loves me and it is so fun that he knows my voice and touch. He is sprouting like a weed, it is so sad seeing him grow out of his little baby stages, yet so exciting to see him progress from a little baby to a little boy. 3 MONTHS: Baby James was blessed. He is pretty good at going to different people and doesn't fuss unless he is tired, hungry or has a dirty diaper. He is learning to sleep through the night (he sleeps about 6-7 hours and has some nights were he wakes up and only needs to be comforted with the binky or hand on his cheek), he is able to keep his head up a lot better, yet still needs support behind him for help, he swipes at things and if they move will swipe at them again, he loves his binky, he goes to sleep best with music and noice in the background, he loves the brightness of lights and always wants to be facing the light, he hates to have his onesies changed- he hates anything going over his head and arms, he loves the bath water- he kicks his feet and smiles when bathing with mom or dad, he has bad gas and it rumbles his whole body, his moods can change rapidly- he'll be crying one second and then smiling if we smile at him, he loves to be held and cuddled, he follows movements with his eyes, he is learning to grab things, he is a happy baby that finds joy in small things. 2 MONTHS: Our budz has figured out his neck and bobs when he is doing tummy time, he is also making some noices with his mouth and always looks towards the lights. James has almost doubled his weight at 13 oz and 24 inches in length. He continues to drink full feeding, he sleeps for about 5 hours then wakes at night, he naps about 2 hours about 4 times through out the day and he has now moved to his crib. He is very vocal about what he wants and sometimes has meltdowns when he wants something. The most precious moments are when he falls asleep on my chest and I get to just stare at him and cuddle. 1 MONTH: Our little baby looks like a little man, many people have said that he has a wise look to him. He is still waking about every 3 hours to feed. He loves warm baths in the sink and his umbilical cord is still hanging in there. He is much more alert and lets us know exactly what he needs through his wimpery crys. James holds his fists tight and grasps onto fingers really well. He loves skin to skin and any kind of touch. He still cuddles and falls asleep on anyone that is holding him. While changing him he has had a few water fountains (sprays)and he sleeps really well with the sound maker muffling out noises around him. He is growing cuter and cuter everyday. 1 WEEK: Baby James is constantly being fed every 3 hours and loves his sleep. He is a total cuddler and falls completely to sleep when fed and changed. He is still in pain from having the wonderful male procedure, yet is a total trooper. James keeps his eyes open for longer periods and is a pretty content baby. He struggles with latching on, yet when he finally gets it, he drinks quite abit. He sleeps right next to our bed in the basinet and has to be swaddled in order to fall asleep. He loves to be held tight and he loves being rocked. 1 DAY: James has slept the majority of the night, yet the nurses came in at 3:00 to have him feed off of me, he has been sleeping and I have been trying to feed him. I have been holding him the majority of the time and always have the skin to skin contact. James loves it, he falls asleep right on my chest. He has been passed around to all of our visitors and he just sleeps through everything. He has been spending almost all his time in our hospital room because mom and dad want him right next to them at all times. We had tons of visitors both days so James got used to laughter and loud voices right when he came into the world. 10 MINUTES He has arrived and is perfectly healthy. He depends completely upon me and the nurses. He weighs 7 lbs 12 oz and is 19 inchs long. He doesn't open his eyes very much because of the bright lights, he keeps his hands clinched and is completely bald. He won't nurse yet, but has been having skin to skin contact with his mother. He has been crying a lot because of the dramatic situations taking place in his life, (going from a very wet, tight womb to a very spacious world) and being cleaned up and prodded at.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

What a good journal writer you must be. You are so good to know exactly what happened, when! That's awesome you have such a specific record of all of James' milestones. Thanks for the motivation to do a WHOLE LOT better at keeping up with my own.