Monday, March 23, 2009

Draper Temple

I took the Young women to the Draper temple open house last week. There were so many people there and the spirit was present. The 20 girls that came thought it was very pretty and for some it was their first time walking through the doors of the Lords house before it got dedicated. I love working with the Young Women, they are amazing girls that are so strong in the gospel and I just love them so much. Yesterday Josh and I went to the dedication and felt honored to attend. I loved how President Monson addressed the importance of temples and how we are all seeking to return back to our father in heaven to be with the ones we love. For heaven would not be heaven without our family or friends. I love how our temple is so sacred and that it is a place where we can leave all the worries behind and consentrate on the real importance of why we are here. Josh and I have set a goal to go once a week. This last month we have done it and it feels so good to be filled with the love of God and to be so close to him. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I feel so blessed to have a place to worship and honor the most high God. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus so much and all I want to do is be a better person, so I can be sure to have a place in his kingdom. I know that our church is true and we are so lucky to have a prophet to guides us this day in the correct direction. At times I may not enjoy certain trials that come our way, yet the only way I can get through it is knowing that God is taking care of us and wanting us to learn something from our hardship. I have learned a lot in the last few months and I am grateful for the trials because they have made me stronger.


Kristin Ross said...

That is awesome that you guys are so close and can go once a week.

oke deh said...

if you have time please visit my blog below:

Always keep your faith in Jesus.
Bless you