Saturday, October 16, 2010


Visiting Gardner Village was a treat for all of us. I went with all my sisters (in-laws) and mom. We had all the kids come too. It was such a cute atmosphere and tons to look at, just wish I had tons of money to buy all the cute Halloween decor.
Us girls and all the babies had a great Halloween stroll.
James wasn't quite sure what to think about all these huge, green ladies that just stood there. So he would stop and take a look. I could tell he was curious.
Here we are watching the hula witch while others are shopping.
Meeting BUZZ LIGHT YEAR, James' favorite character of all was quite a treat. He couldn't take his eyes off of him and he would follow him around. I had Buzz shake his hand, James thought that was pretty neat. (Right now as I am writing this he is sitting on my knee saying, Ah Buzz, A Buzz, A Buzz over and over again. He is so obsessed and cute about BUZZ.)
These baseball witches were one of our favorites, and the kiddo's even got to play around and tackle each other for a while.James sure loves his cousins. He has a good number of boys his age on the Nielson side. They all like to run around and tackle each other down to the ground. James has learned to be pretty tough.
When James saw the horses he freaked out and kept on tugging on me and saying "PEAS", that is his please. I couldn't resist. He got his pony ride. Every time he came around and saw me, I would tell him to smile and this is the face I got. Wow, it looks like he is having the time of his life. But I know he loved it because he didn't want to get off after the ride ended.
Thank goodness for Halloween and cousins, they are so much fun!


Shambi-Galambi said...

The pony riding face is AWESOME!
Where is this place at? It looks like I need to go there.

Richard and Camie said...

It looks like the pony was putting James to sleep, so cute! I love the picture of Rachel on the green cake, how precious! So fuN!

Jen & George Scott said...

Shanny, it was so fun to see ya and spend some time with ya!!! Rachel is such a doll!!!

Becca said...

You have got to be THE cutest mom I have ever met. Seriously, so great. I totally stalked you from Facebook, and i'm glad I did because I love blogging and I love your blog. I was laughing my head off when I read "our story" about you and josh. you guys are too cute. we def. have to get together. You'll have to teach me your amazing mommy ways. :o)