Wednesday, October 6, 2010

James' Quotables and Notables

I have reason to brag about my little guy.
I knew he was smart, but Family Home Evening proved brilliance. We watched Lehi's Dream from the Living Scriptures video and then I gave a short lesson about the riches of the world and saying "bye" to things of little worth. So I had him say bye to his favorite Buzz sippy cup and to a ring and treasure chest that I used for visuals. Then I asked daddy what happened first in the story. Then I drew a picture of it, with little help from James. (He prefers to watch me draw, instead of scribble.) Then we continued to draw 4 different pictures. #1. A stick man laying on a bed dreaming #2. Stick men on camels saying bye to their riches #3. The brass plates #4. Stick men teaching their children (generations) about the brass plates I mixed them all up, and then asked James to put them in order. I asked him what happened first in the story. Without explaining anything he pointed to the man having a dream. Wow, I was impressed. Then I asked what happened after that. Shebang, he picked the camel picture. Ya right, it must be a fluke. Not expecting anything, he pointed to the brass plates and then of course the last picture. I looked at Josh and said "No way" and praised James a ton about how smart he was. Yet in my mind I was thinking, that must have been major luck. So I had to do it again. I scrambles them really well this time. He pointed to each one, without hesitation..... Picture 1,2,3 and 4 in perfect order. I've got one smarty pants on hand. I freaked out. James grinned and smiled.

1 comment:

Richard and Camie said...

What a little smarty pants-just like his mama:)