Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Farm Fest

To get into the whole Halloween spirit we went to the Payson Farm Fest.
I made Rachel her own Halloween cute outfit. As you can see I am totally into the Halloween spirit. I just love it. The colors are so much fun and we are excited about our family costumes this year. You'll have to wait to find out what incredible costumes we support.
James loves ponies, and would not leave the area until he was able to ride one. He just holds on tight and focuses hard. There still isn't much smiling, just serious grins. Here he is our little tractor driver too.
We had a ton of fun holding Rachel and having her be the scarecrow, but most of all she was cute to look at.
James rode on a train as well with me, it was the most bumpy ride ever in the field. "Hay Ray" for Halloween in a few days.

1 comment:

Becca said...

oh my gosh you guys do the funnest things ever! we are new to this area so I have no idea about these things going on down here. Where is this at? I would love to take the kiddos somewhere fun tomorrow. And your outfits for Rachel are just the cutest ever. share your skills woman! haha. can't wait to see your fantastic costumes. ;o)