Saturday, February 12, 2011


Yet so Simple....
To Please.
It's so true, that it is the small and simple things that make us happy.
This last week I had a reality check. 
Sometime I find myself making check lists and trying to accomplish this and that, keeping a clean house, taking care of the kiddos and just doing the mommy things we do. 
Well, the other day I thought I had a great day until  Josh came home and asked me how my day was. I totally let go and cried. It had been forever since I have cried and I really think I just needed to cry for a second and be held. 
Yes, I am a girl!
Josh has great knowledge and at the time it wasn't really what I wanted to hear, yet it is what I needed to hear.
The gist was that he has never asked me to be a certain way or to get anything done or to have dinner on the table, the only thing he usually says when he walks out the door is to do him a favor. And his favor is for me to have fun with our kids. 
Now I look at that and really think, wow I never really realized what he was actually saying. He was telling me to take time and make these moments with James and Rachel really count. Create time for these little precious children to feel their mommy's love. I will admit that I don't go a day without reading James a book or singing him a song or holding Rachel, but the thing that I am forgetting to do is to just be happy when Josh comes home. I need to wrap my arms around him and let him know just how grateful I am to have him in my life. I want him to always be excited about coming home. And he even expressed that it was more important for him to come home to a happy wife than to come home to a clean house with dinner on the table. 
I need to stop having so much expectations on myself and really just smile, be happy and show love whenever I can. 
And while I am cleaning the house, folding the laundry or even crafting just doing it without thinking what else needs to be done. 
I am lucky to have a husband that doesn't expect my house to look a certain way when he comes home, all he expects is to come home to a wife who has spent the day loving his children and is ready to love him. 
This teaches me that my man is simple. He really only needs a few things to be happy and I am one of those. 
My favorite days are the ones I spend still in my pajamas, cuddling in bed with my sweeties, reading books, playing with toys, dancing, tickling and doing anything that brings big huge smiles to this little handsome face....
and this  pretty one
(who is super duper cute when she sucks that little thumb).
 They are only this small for the time being and they enjoy the simple things more than we will even realize. 
Just yesterday I spent my day with dishes in the sink until 4:00 pm, but had a fun filled day blowing bubbles, coloring, playing with his cool cars and track, reading book after book and having a tickle war. James even helped me make dinner (this is one of his favorite things to do- help me out in the kitchen and be right up on the counter with me). You have no idea how much this little guy laughed yesterday. He was so hysterical, that he made me laugh. We were singing and dancing and pounding on the floor (sorry neighbors), but really being kids.
I know it is these moments in life that I will look back at and smile. I will never look back and say- I wish I would have had a cleaner house.

1 comment:

Richard and Camie said...

You are so fun Shannan! I need that same reminder to just be happy and play with my kids. It is hard with all our duties and mothers but it is by far the most important and rewarding:)