Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Year, My New Ways

2011 is here!
Yes, I know it is already February and I should have started my New Years Resolutions a month ago. 
You would be proud of me, I wrote them down, but as I sit here thinking about what I should write, I realized something.....
Each year I list the different topics: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, etc and then a goal. 
But my goals are way to broad and you can't measure it, so when the next year comes around- I always have the same goal listed again (as if I never reached it). I feel I am better today then I was a year ago, but this year I really want to list things that I can measure and know I am accomplishing. 
One of my goals each year is just to become more spiritual and physically fit and all in all to be a better person. 
Well, I still want to do this, just this year I want to do it better and differently. 
So bear with me and my babbling of disorganized thoughts at this very moment.
Here are some new things I want to do or be better at:
  • Be a happier person and smile more. When my husband comes home I want to make him feel like he has entered a home where he doesn't question if he is loved. Even when I have unproductive days or frustrating days I want him to know that I am happy he is home. Smile at strangers and make a bigger effort to go out of my way to be happier and upbeat around peers and family. Smile, I hear it is contagious. 
  • Realize just how good I have it. My life has everything I really need. Don't get down from small, tedious things that really have no significance.
  • Know that I am the one who chooses my attitude and that no one else can change that.
  • Remind myself everyday that I am a child of God and think of what he would have me do each day. Even if it be something small, make a difference with a text,a phone call or face to face conversation. 
  • Be positive always about those you love. Don't try to change someone or have negative feelings, but try to change my own thinking- Just love them! Even if it is hard because of their past or choices.
  • Blog with feeling and reality. Let others know I struggle and go through trials and don't live a perfect little life with no ups and downs. ( So be aware )
  • Live in the moment and stop thinking everything has to be clean and perfect all the time. Let it slide and hug my babies, read books, play games and be silly more often. They will remember these moments and will  never look back and remember if my house was clean or not. 
  • Make my house a haven from the world. A place where you can feel the spirit and others know they are welcome.
  • Attend the temple once a month and go with reason. Really search for the comfort and answers that I need. Remember through out the month how I felt with in the walls of the temple. 
  • Provide and make healthy and yummy meals at least 4 times a week. I love having dinner ready for Josh after a long day of school and I can only imagine how hungry he is when he gets home. One of the ways to a mans heart is through food. It is a nurturing thing. 
  • Have pillow talk a few times a week and only focus on my babe. Give more of me to him. 
  • Do something active everyday.
  • Come up with at least one new thing every week for James to experience and try or learn. 
  • Spend one on one time with James at least once a day
  • Spend one on one time with Rachel at least once a day 
  • Hug and kiss Josh, James and Rachel as much as I can. Say "I Love you" a lot.
  • Be patient with James, my 2 year old who is Mr. Independent.
  • When giving consequences to James, stay calm -yet firm. Don't let my frustration show. Always tell him I love him after the consequence is over. 
  • Read more good books that help me feel the spirit.
  • Become more educated in the scriptures. Instead of just reading to say I read, read with purpose to learn. Read the New Testament (I have never read it before, I have always read the Book of Mormon time after time) along with a commentary to help me understand hidden meanings and purpose. It doesn't matter how much I have read, but it does matter if I learn anything from it and understand what is being said.
  • Say morning prayers. Before I start the day realize that Heavenly Father wants me to say hi to him first, just as James says hi to Josh and I first thing in the morning. Make it a priority to really talk to God just as I would my own parents and thank him for specific things. Never say the same prayer twice. Tell God what is on my mind and ask him what I can do to be an instrument in his hands each day.
  • Recognize tender mercies and thank him right when it happens. Never think it was just luck, it is always God who has his hand in things. 
  • Be content with my life right now, today. Don't think something will make me happier, it is learning to be happiest today, not tomorrow (or I will always be searching).
  • Try something new once a month. 
  • Learn about my new camera - Canon 40D- and take tons and tons of pictures.
  • Sew more things for Rachel (mostly because shes a girl and we all know there are more things out there for her gender) and James with and without patterns. Make whatever my heart desires. Learn from others who are willing to share their talents. Don't be scared to ask for help.
  • Get back into oil painting. Paint something to display in my home this year. 
  • Call family more often, be the one making a big effort.
  • Have my phone more accessible for those trying to get a hold of me. But don't let it become something I can't live without. 
  • Be on time for 9:00 church, and that doesn't mean in time to take the Sacrament. 
  • Prepare to teach Young Women's in advance and pray for ways to touch the girls. Make a difference in their lives. Really get to know them, laugh with them and become someone they can lean on. Pray and be aware of their needs.
  • Visit Teach 100%, take initiative and get it done sooner than later.
  • A Clean house is a Happy house ( less mess=more room for the spirit and less confusion and worry)
  • Provide experiences where James feels good and learns about Jesus, good choices, how to be nice, manners, etc.  Persistence is key and so is repetition.
  • Go the extra mile for those I may not know.
  • Recognize who needs help and jump to the chance.
  • Have at least 1 couple over per month that we don't know.
  • Create memories (dinners, games, movie nights, activities, hang outs, date nights, play dates, crafting,  FHE, etc)with friends at least a few times a month.
  • Have family and friends over for dinner a few times a month.
  • Make a new meal once a week.
  • Have an organized- no clutter home (it's okay if there are toys and minor things like that, but clean as in not dusty, dirty and messy).
  • Keep my teaching certificate current.
  • Be better at organizing bills and paying them on time.
  • Save money shopping for groceries- learn and use Grocery Smarts. 
  • Go to sleep earlier at least 3 times per week. (Josh and I are total night owls and go to sleep way to late almost every night- thus, we dread mornings because we are exhausted. Especially with kids who wake up early.)
  • Floss everyday- I brush all the time, but slack at flossing.
So these are things that came to me, that I need to work on and make changes. Changes are good, they make you stronger and a better person. Even if I work on just a few of these each month, I will eventually become well rounded and better than I was  in 2010.
And isn't that all of our goals, to be better then yesterday?
It's worth a try.
Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannan, I have a question for you, how do you keep your teaching certificate current when you are not teaching? That's my current situation and I don't want to lose it.

Richard and Camie said...

Shannan you are so amazing! I love all the goals you set and let me tell you most of those are things that I need to work on too:)

melinda said...

You are awesome Shannan! Alot of the things on your list are things I will working on this year too. Lately I have been doing a new receipe, and can share some with you. I go to and checkout all the suggestions and change whatever to make it fit to our liking.
Anyway,we should get together this month. Dave and I are sick right now... but maybe the week after Valentines. Or me and you can get together for a craft day. Miss you guys!

Becca said...

these are great, shannan. But I'm fairly certain you already do most of them. It's not fair to make up resolutions tha tyou already do, c'mon now.

you're awesome.