Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our little COUGARS!

It was Airforce vs BYU and our little family were BYU's biggest fans. 
 Rachel was smiling almost the whole way through her first BYU game. There was one instance where BYU scored and the crowd went crazy and she just shreeked because of how loud it was- poor little girl- and minutes later she was smiling again. 
James was raising those arms up while everyone sang the BYU fight song. 
He loved the part-
(I love watching him and seeing how observant and aware he is in his surroundings, he picks up more than I give him credit for. He is a smart little stud.)
 Need I say more? 
We had a fun day sporting BYU, daddy's favorite team- making it our favorite as well.
I never knew just how invested Josh was in BYU football and basket ball. He doesn't just like BYU, he lives to see them play. He loves BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SPORTS. So I have learned that I need to show more interst and excitement for when they play. I have always enjoyed going to real games, but have never been one to watch it on TV. 
Josh would LOVE it if I became more of a diligent fan.....maybe one day, after I learn the whole game of football.

After the great victory win, we went and celebrated at James favorite restaurant, Pirate Island and ate pizza, played on all the toys and arcade games. Then we went to the mall. James favorite store is the Disney Store, he could stay in there for hours on end. It is always a struggle getting him to leave. One of his regular things he always does is grabs his favorite stuffed Disney characters and lines them up on the ground and then plays with them. He already has such an imagination. As you can see, he is definitely still into Toy Story, and he has really been loving any type of dinosaur. 

This was a super fun, great and eventful day. I want to create more days like these- where we just hang out and don't have a schedule to live by, or errands to run- just a time to do what we feel like at that given minute. 

Isn't it easy to just watch your child and be completely entertained for hours.
Oh how I love my little man who is always on the move and soaking everything in.
Oh how I love my little lady who is just content and full of smiles all the time (if she is fed and rested).
These small moments are here and I just need to soak it all in before they are over. 
Time is flying by......

1 comment:

melinda said...

ADORABLE PICS! You guys are the cutest BYU family. =)