Monday, February 25, 2008

A Miracle Made Perfect

About a week ago one of Josh's sisters had a cute little baby boy. As Josh and I sat in the hospital watching the little guy, we both were realizing how much of an actual miracle each baby that makes it to earth is. If you think about how a baby starts out as a little egg and develops in 9 months, it is hard to understand how some do not believe in God. Just the whole creation of a baby is a huge miracle.

There is no wonder of why babies are so precious. They are so tiny, fragile, innocent and perfect. Isn't it crazy to think about how us, imperfect people, can bear such innocent and perfect children. When it is Josh's and my turn to be parents, I can not even imagine the bond that is built between a little baby who grows within the womb and is growing everyday inside of you. We look forward to this time, but until then we are just enjoying all of our nieces and nephews being born and who are already older ages.

Babies are miracles brought down to people like all of us, to teach us alot about ourselves and to help us learn to be more patient, understanding and loving people. I am currenlty a 3rd grade teacher and have 24 students in my class. Everyday I try to make my students realize their worth and to believe in themselves. I have grown to love each of my students for differnet reasons. I feel that my class is so much fun and I would not change it for any other job. For me, this is my dream job and I absolutley feel so loved by my students. As I teacher, I have come to learn more about myself and I have put my heart into these wonderful children. I honestly believe that children bring so much happiness and joy to our lives. I love teaching and everyday I get paid so much, of course not financially, but emotionally and spiritually.

1 comment:

Susie said...

babies are so sweet and precious. Nieces and nephews are soo much fun. AND I tagged you Shan