Friday, February 8, 2008

Our Family Fortune is Forever

God has truly blessed me,
yes this is so true;
With a loving family,
thats as special as you.
For family is a blessing,
that God freely gives;
To enrich the beauty and splender,
of this life we live;

To be blessed with a family,
that truly loves and cares;
One that helps with all the burdens,
that in life we bare;
Is a truly special,
special blessing in deed,
For family is a comfort,
in your hour of need.

We are a special family,
and we believe it's true,
As long as God may let me live,
I will always love all of you!

I love my Father and Mother for raising me so right,
and always being there for me to lead me in the light.

I have always been a daddy's girl and looked up to my dad,
for the example he has set for me and done so naturally.

My father is a wonderful person
Too little understood,
And we do not sing his praises
As often as we should...

For, somehow, Father seems to be
The man who pays the bills,
While Mother binds up little hurts
And nurses all our ills...

And Father struggles daily
To live up to "HIS IMAGE"
As protector and provider
And "hero or the scrimmage"...

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion,

And if you look inside Dad's heart,
Where only few can see
You'll find he's sentimental
And as "soft" as he can be...

But he's so busy every day
In the grueling race of life,
He leaves the sentimental stuff
To his partner and his wife...

But Fathers are just WONDERFUL
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolade of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires
To fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of him
And to bring them happiness...

He's a guardian and a guide,
Someone that we can count on

You wiped away many tears,
And even calmed many fears.

You have kissed all sorts of parts,
You even somehow healed broken hearts.

You gave your love without a second thought,
You gave lectures when our mistakes you caught.

But you also gave hugs for no reason at all,
You held us tight whenever a tear would fall.

You gave us the courage to walk alone,
You gave us the love of a real home.

You endured many things just for our sake,
Your love was genuine so much love would be hard to fake.

You are truly a gift from God above,
Only He could’ve made you with that much love.

Stacy and Josh

Stacy has always been an amazing big sister to me. I have learned many things from Stacy. She is truly an inspiration of being an incredible young mother to her two dear girls. Stacy is someone I can lean on and talk to at any given time and never feel threatened or nervous to express my feelings to. Thanks for being there to listen and say words of comfort. We have so much fun with our husbands, since they are both jokers. Thanks goodness for big sisters who pave the correct path.
Josh is the older brother I never had. I could never ask for someone better for my sister. He is in mad love with her and I have always appreciated how he is so rightous and humble. For many years he watched over me and gave me great advice on men. Thankfully I found my own husband all by myself. I enjoy Josh's one on one talks were the spirit is strong and sincere.

Lilli was our first niece and therefore has been spoiled extremely and by all of her Aunts and grandparents. She is full of enthusiasm, excitement for life and the ability to turn all of our faces to happy expressions. I have never seen a little girl love princesses so much. She constantly thinks she is one of the princesses on a daily basis. Lilli is very smart and has been able to sing the whole song, naming off all the prophets since she was about 2 1/2 years old. She is a good older sister and is realizing that it is fun to play with someone close to her age. We love little Lils.

Then there is Isabella, she is a complete angel. She is so easy going and a bundle of joy. I never thought I could love the second one as much as I did the first niece, yet she is so cute that you can't resist her personality and cutness. Josh secretly says she is her favorite, cause he can joke more around with Izzy alot. Plus, Izzy is a complete cuddler. She's a baldy, yet she's also one that you just crave to hold and play with.


Lindsey is the sister right below me in age. She has definalty been a sister of growth and pressing forward. I have always loved Lindsey's crazy side, when she knows how to have fun. Lindsey has taught me how to love unconditionally. I have learned through her example that anything is possible. I am proud on Linny-Lou and the big decisions she has made, she has shown alot of strenght during weak times. I love you Linny and know you can do anything you put your mind to.
Amber and Brad:

Amber has shown so much growth in the last few years. Wow, she is my youngest sister yet has taught me about seeking dreams. Amber is very dedicated and makes things happen. She has taught me about hard work and perserverance by the way she lives her life. I have gained a deeper relationship with her and am so greatful to have a sister who knows just what to say at the right times. Amber has grown a ton and is an incredible person as she seeks out her dreams and always makes it a priority to stay close with family.
Brad is a great addition to our family. He is the perfect man for my sister and is such a soft spoken, fun loving, yet down to earth brother. We are so gratful to have him as our brother and to be welcomed with such open arms. Brad has a way of making others feel comfortable and making jokes without wanting the center of attention. Brad has taught me about patience and humility. He is definatly a blast to play games with, since he masters almost everyone of them.

Michael is my favorite brother and only brother. He is the youngest and I have always felt a great connection with him. Mike is very sarcastic and knows how to dish it out. He makes us laugh and is outgrowing everyone in the family. Mike's personality is all around exciting and interesting. You never know his next move. Yet, when he makes time for the family, we all know he loves us and that his heart is into us. I love my bud Mike and only hope for the best for him. These first few years right out of highschool are the most crutial. I know he will follow his heart and choose the right path for his future. I love ya buddy!

So far, we are the married children in our family. Luckily, every single one of them fit in and all get along. I could never ask for a better family then the one I was born into, and the one I was married into. We are all a big huge happy family.

Happy Valentines to my wonderful family who are miles and miles away at this time. I just wanted each of you to know how special we feel to have you in our hearts all the time. Even though we are miles away we are always close enough. I hope each of you know the love we have for you now and always. Stay close always and forever!!


Anonymous said...
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sillyhaywardfamily said...

Soo Cute!! It is so fun to see how much your family means to you!!!