Monday, February 4, 2008

Christmas Craz

I have realized that Christmas is always more enjoyable and exciting when their are little ones running around. Their anticipation and imagination always gets me even more excited. This year it was my 2 nieces that created that feeling. They were so excited and had so much energy and it wore off on all of us. They are just to cute to resist.

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. There are so many reasons why this holiday is the time I look forward to every year. As I have experienced many different Christmas's, I have learned alot about the true meaning of this celebration for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas time is always a little happier and joyful. It is a time where others go out of their way to help those who are less fortunate. I give thanks to my dear parents who have always provided us with an opportunity to serve and give to a family during this time. One of my favorite things to do at Christmas is to gather boxes full of food, clothing and a christmas tree for a different family every year and to deliver it anonomously. During these times I have always felt closer to god and a warm feeling that burns within as we pass the house and see the gifts gathered.

Christmas is a time to celebrate relationships and love for our Savior and our family.

Hanging out in our pj's, talking, playing games and laughing is what us Leavitt's have a hoot doing.

I love the times I can be together with my sisters. We always end up crying, laughing, hugging, play fighting and enjoying each other abit to much.


Lacey said...

It looks like you had so much fun over Christmas Break! There is nothing like family and it is even better when they are little ones that increase the magic of Christmas. So glad to see that you have a blog and that we get to peek into your exciting life!

Stefanie said...

I'm so happy you have a blog page! I love seeing everyone from the good ol days cause its so hard to keep in touch with everyone. You and Josh are so cute!!!

Jen & George Scott said...

Hey Shanny!!! I love pictures of all of you. It is good to see all of you together. THanks so much for everything. You will never know how much you helped me out the other night. Thanks so much for coming over. I love you and josh to death!!! Cant wait to play games!!!

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