Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just because.....

I could never ask for such a great mom! She drove 12 hours, which ended up being 15 hours, with a 85 year old lady ,just because.... She came for no reason, just because..... She sacrificed a whole weekend for my family and I, just because..... She didn't get very much sleep, just because...... She came and helped me in my 3rd grade classroom, just because..... She took me out to Cafe Rio and Los Harmones just because..... She cuddled me and baby James just because.... She went swimming with us at Seven Peaks, just because.... She did it all with a smile, just because....... .................SHE LOVES US!!! We love you mom/ grandma and thanks so much for making us a total priority in your life. You make us feel so special and loved. You are always in our thoughts! It is always hard seeing mom leave, especially when there are tears , making my eyes wet too. I just wish mom and dad lived closer to us. They are so important to us and they would do anything for us. We are so lucky to see them as often as we do, considering the long distance between us.

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is a sweet post about your mom. She seems like an awesome lady. I totally know how you feel. I only get to see my mom every few months. She was in town this last weekend and I teared up too when she left. Hooray for great moms!