Monday, September 7, 2009

James at 10 months

Our Mover and Shaker is 10 months old today. Two months until he hits the one year mark. Ahhhh, he is pretty much a toddler now. It amazes me how I just can't get enough of him. Everyday when I wake up I get so excited to see him, or if I am away from him for an amount of time, I just grind my teeth and want to eat him up. I am addicted to him and just enjoy everything about him. There is nothing better than being his mommy and watching everything he does and how he progresses and learns everyday. He is an extremely fast learner for his age. He watched his older cousins all the time and when we show him how to do something he is so brave just to try it. James is weighing in at 19 lbs 6 oz. He's becoming so heavy to carry in his baby seat. I mean his mommy is sure getting an arm workout with or without the baby seat. He's a heavy little one. He has had 2 big bottom chomper since he was almost 8 months. They are still the only ones in his mouth. Yet he seems to do quite well, considering he loves to put absolutely anything in his mouth that has taste. He doesn't care if it's tough or hard, he'll find away to chomp it down. One of Jameserman's new favorite food are grapefruit. Who would have guessed. I let him taste one thinking he would cringe a bit at how sour it is, yet he just plopped it further into his mouth and hinted he wanted more. With lemons he does the same thing, just eats it like it's no big deal. James loves bananas and loves to eat out of a normal glass just like his mommy, even though the majority of the time it ends up all over him- He thinks he's a big boy already.
If you have ever read the children's book, The Hungry Caterpillar, than you know what this picture resembles. He loves this book and he even has pj's to match. Just like the caterpillar, James takes bites through anything and everything. Sometimes I wonder what he has ate after I change his diaper. Sad to say he has even eaten dog food on more than one occasion (and seems to like it, cause he hates when I sweep his mouth with my finger and remove it). Well, I guess I can't complain that he's a picky eater.
Our Mover and Shaker is constantly on the go and he barely ever stops, unless he wants a fast 5-10 second snuggle. Then he's ready to go again. He's got great rhythm to music. He totally puts his hands in the air and shakes his whole body to the beat of a catchy song. He is so entertaining to watch and get rallied up. He had his first major dance party with all his cousins a few days ago and loves it. It's great to see just how much he loves music and that he can carry on a beat with a huge smile.
The best way to get this little sweety to bed is to cradle him in my arms, with his silky blanket on his face, a bottle in his mouth and a story book right in front of him, while I read. He just loves books so much these days. One of his favorite books he seems to really enjoy is called I Love You Through and Through. The little boy in the book, looks just like him. This rocking chair seems to be soothing to him too. Usually after a story and prayer he is drowsy and ready to lay down. He's so cute as he tries to stay awake, yet sleep takes over. He's a wonderful sleeper. He usually goes to sleep between 7:30 or 8:30 PM and wakes up around 6:00 or 7:00 AM(and on some days 4:30 AM for a fast drink of milk)Than he has his first nap at 10:00 AM for an hour to 2hours. His second nap takes place around 4:00 PM and sleeps about the same length depending on the day. Then he's out again for the evening. All I can say, is sleep and food affects him dramatically. If fed and rested, he is a happy and joyful little guy who is into everything. He's our mover and shaker.
James now loves anything on wheels. He loves to push them as he crawls across the room. They usually end up in his mouth too. He's becoming a better sharer and gets along extremely well with other kids around his age. He totally enjoys little kids. Anytime he hears his cousins upstairs, he bolts up the stairs with a huge smile on his face, excited to see Eliza and McKay.He is a pro at climbing the stairs and he can climb them in a matter of seconds. Just today he did his first step backwards. He will have to learn how to go the opposite way without tumbling backwards. He loves crawling up the stairs, I can just tell in his facial expression how proud he is of himself and the big boy things he can do. It doesn't seem to matter to him how big the stairs are, he just goes. Yet, it's scary for his mommy and daddy just knowing that he is a little dare devil too.
About 3 months after James was born, I realized that there was nothing similar in appearance between James and his momma. Yet, the only things that are really like me are his ears, which are kind of pointed and flattened (aka elf ears) at the top, his flat bum and last but not least, his Mamma's MARK. This is on his left arm and the coloring of his birthmark is the exact same color as my skin. Well, at least he has a mark visible enough that I can claim him as mine. This snake was found by his cousin, Bryson, in the backyard. At first I was iffy about letting James be near it, than I thought it would be a lot of fun for him. He loved the snake. James has a little rubber snake that is one of his favorite toys, so seeing one that actually moves was pure entertainment for him. He was so funny as he didn't know what to do, all he would do is wave his hands back and forth and try to follow it. I already know that James is going to show much interest is an any kind of animal, be tame or wild. I guess this is where his curiosity takes over.
Just a few days ago he has started to communicate to me that he loves being in the presence of his mommy. He has been getting sad if I leave the room or put him down when he wants to be held by me. I will admit that I kind of like it. He totally loves me and I just love seeing the expression on his face that shows me that all he wants to do is be with his momma. These are the precious moments that I soak up and just treasure. I mean, who knows how long this will last. We can also be in a room with a lot of people and he can find me across the room as he crawls to my legs and kind of makes it known that he is there and then puts his hands up for me to pick him up. He is such a mover and a shaker and he's got me wrapped around his little finger. I would do anything for him.


Stacey said...

His is adorable!!! We miss you guys!! How's school going? We need to get together soon!! Call me next week and let me know when you can!

Shambi-Galambi said...

I love that Dickies outfit! I wonder who made that all by herelf...? James is so cute. The way you talk about him has me falling in love with him too.