Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to the world Baby James

This is the story of the arrival of James Wallace Nielson, our beautiful son. On Thursday, November 6th I went in for my 38 and a half week check up with my doctor. She told me I was dialated to a 3 and could have the baby soon or it could take up to a few weeks. So I left thinking I still had a good week or so until I was due. That next morning at 3:30 I woke up like normal to go to the bathroom. This time was a bit different though because I felt some tightning, my guess was that it was a braxton hicks contraction. So I went back to bed and then 8 minutes later the same thing happened again. I happened about 4 times before I woke Josh up and asked him to help me relax and focus on something else, like hypno-birthing told me to do during a surge. With Josh's coaching, I was able to relax during the surge and focus on something else, instead of the pain. This continued for a while and I took a hot bath and was able to relax a bit more. Later on the contractions were 5 minutes apart and I had no idea I was experiencing true labor contractions. Once the contractions started to be 2 minutes apart I finally realized I was going to have my baby. So I was writing a lesson plan for my sub between the contractions. I finally sent them out and then we left to go to the hospital. On the way my contractions were 1 minute apart. Then we got to Utah Valley Hospital. When we got there I still thought we had time and felt alright so we parked and walked in. When I got situated in the birthing room they checked me and I was dialated to a 5. As I continued to go through contractions, I was so grateful my husband was there because he is the one who helped me relax and put my mind somewhere else. The thoughts that made me get through it so well was being able to visualize me and my son doing different things. 20 minutes later I was dialated to a 8 and 10 minutes after that I was dialated to a big 10. My doctor came in and informed that if I wanted to have my baby in 3 hours that I could continue with the hypnobirthing, but that it would take 3 hours to breath the baby down. She said that if I wanted to do that she would go back to her office and return in 3 hours. Yet if I wanted to have my baby in 20 minutes that I could start pushing now. I did not want her to leave and 20 minutes sounded a lot better then 3 hours so I told her I would start pushing right then. So I pushed a total of 9 times in 10 minutes. During the last part of this time our baby was in distress and not happy , because he was not getting enough oxygen, so they put the oxygen mask on me and told me that I had to push our little guy out in the next 3 pushes or they would have to take other measures, like a C-section. All I could think about at this time is my baby is in distress and I that I didn't want a C-section. So I dug down and pushed as hard as I freaking could. I didn't care what happened, all I wanted was for him to come out breathing. So I pushed as hard as I could and I felt as though I could have given birth to my heart. But suddenly the most amazing thing happened. He was on my belly and crying his little lungs out. I was so extremely happy that I didn't even know what to do. It was so neat having him skin to skin and just seeing our little boy enter this would. Daddy was one excited man, he was announcing his arrival to everyone he saw. The nurses said that they had never seen such an excited father before. Josh was calling everyone and he just couldn't stop smiling. He went with baby James for all his assesments and told James that he would always be right next to him to support him, even during the circumcision. Josh is a proud daddy and I know he will be the best daddy too. I love how he comes home and just craddles his little guy and can't get enough of him. James Wallace Nielson Born: Novemeber 7, 2008 at 8:56 A.M Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz Height: 19 inches Features like daddy: blonde hair, light skin, long toes Features like mommy: ears, lips, long fingers and hair line Mommy is so in love with his little son. Each time I look at him I just feel so blessed and know that he is truly an amazing miracle. His whole birth was such a spiritual experience and it really made me feel loved by my father in heaven. My hope is that I can be a good mom and always show him my love no matter what. It is so neat being a women and having the experience of carrying James for 9 months, having a pretty easy birth and then taking him home to love and care for him. I can definatley say that I am in the transition of learning new things about my body and about my little son. I am currently learning how to breast feed. He is so funny because he gets so frusterated if he can't lach on. James definalty tells us if he has a dirty diaper or is hungry. We stayed at the hospital for 2 days and came home Sunday morning. We had a great experience at the hospital and we were visited by friends and family the whole time. We didn't get much sleep but I totally enjoyed being waited on and just relaxing. Well James, you sure have 2 other ladies that adore you and can't get enough of you. Your grandma and nana are total baby hogs and have been the greatest help to Josh and I during this time in our lives. Thanks to them for bearing us when we were born into this world. It is amazing what our mothers did for us throughout our lives. Thanks MOM(s)!


Kristin Ross said...

He is adorable. Congrats! Boys are so fun. You are going to love it.

Lyns said...

Congratulations! It sounds like the birth went really well. He is gorgeous!

Richard and Camie said...

I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations, your lives are changed forever and having a son is the best experience in the whole world! I admire you for hypnobirthing, you are one strong woman!!
Camie Iker

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Yeah! Congrats!! Isn't it just so amazing how much love you can have for a little person? I love it!!! Good luck and get some sleep!!

Kristie said...

Congrats! I am glad you birthing experience was not to bad. Your baby boy is darling. If you ever need anything please give me a call. Even if it is so you can have a little nap:)

Lacey said...

Yeah!!! He is so ADORABLE! I want to snuggle him and give him kisses on his cute little cheeks!! We are so excited for you guys and cannot wait to meet him. I showed Cade the pictures of James and he couldnt stop smiling and saying, "mom, he is so cute, I want to give him loves!" Congrats on the awesome is one of the most amazing, empowering and spiritual experiences ever. We love you guys and are so excited to snuggle our little James!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Shannan and Josh!! Wow sounds like everything went pretty much perfectly, that's so wonderful. He is sure light!! Josh must have some pretty strong genes!! You will notice a huge change in his appearance over the next 3mons, it will be fun to see what he got from each of you!!

You are going to love being a momma, it is so rewarding.

love ya,


Weight Family said...

That is awesome! Great that the labor went easy. Sounds like you are made to have babies, good job!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait so see him tonight!! I am so happy for you guys. I am so happy that you made it without the drugs!

Unknown said...

Shanny and Josh he is so, so adorable!! I love the blonde hair, what a stud!!:) I so wish I was there to hold the little cutie!! Love you guys...Love us:):)

sillyhaywardfamily said...

Oh how I love that little boy!! I love him too pieces!!

Nick/Syd said...

Congrats Shannon & Josh! He is beautiful!!

The Plum Verbena said...

Hi Shannan-

I saw you blog on Emily's and had to come and check it out to see if you had put up pictures of baby James! He is adorable, and I am so impressed that you made it with no drugs! That is awesome!! Congratulations!!! You'll have to stop by our blog when you get a chance.

jo said...

Hey it's Jo and Lee! I am so glad that you found us! Hey for some reason I can not see any of your text, it is yellow and blends in to your background, I want to know everything about your birthing experience. Your little man is so adorable!

Susie said...

COngrats! He is beautiful, you are both very cute parents.

Anonymous said...

Congrats you two!!! James is a gorgeous baby and I am so happy for u both!!!

Mindi said...

I love Super Mom stories! I pushed 3 times with 2 contractions...isn't it awesome? He's so adorable! Congrats!

Mac and Charms said...


Congrats, James is so cute!!! So...I have a question--how are you able to work part time as a teacher? Did your school just work that out for you or are there any other part time positions? I still want to teach but am looking for less hours...any suggestions?

Thanks! Talk to u soon--
