Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moving, Pregnant..... WHAT?

So life has been changing and we are starting a new chapter in our life......For all of you who think I am pregnant from reading my face book status, NO I am not. Would I really face book everyone and tell everyone like that? No way. I barely am ever on face book as we speak anyways.
And yes, we have moved again. Marking almost 5 major moves in our 4 years of marriage.

So to make the story short and to the point I will back up to a few weeks ago. Our new friends from our pretty new ward, the Clary's , who moved in close to the same time we did around August/ Sept  came over for dinner and right off the bat we liked them and totally clicked. Both wives and hubby's totally get along and like each other a lot- which is a bonus. Well they have been the assistant managers for a Storage unit and the managers where moving out and they are now the managers. The assistant manager position became available and we thought it would be wise to apply and see what happens. Well, happily we got it, thanks to them for putting a good word in for us. With this whole job/ move  I completely put it in the Lords hands and said I would love to move if it was his will for us. I am seriously to the point in my life where I can be happy just knowing I am where God needs our little family. Even though we hadn't sold our contract with our other place, we moved and are still looking for someone to rent out the old place. I know it will happen, I just hope soon. So we moved into the house and are in a much nicer place with an extra room for Rachel(more sleep for daddy and I), and a lot more living space. It has been recently renovated and the windows have a great view of all  the storage units- it's sweet, ha ha! After almost 2 weeks  now, we are moved in and have already had my first day as assistant manager. It is freaking awesome, I stay upstairs and have the phone forwarded up to me and then customers just ring the bell and I go down. It is sweet and we get to pay a low amount on rent and save for a house eventually. We love our downstairs friends. We see them everyday and I just love that we live by such great people that we really enjoy. They have a little girl that James gets along with, so that is another bonus.

Well.... how good of friends are they really?
That is the question.
We didn't have Internet hooked in yet so I went down to use theirs. I checked my face book and left. Well Sunday at church I have a few of my friends congratulate me. I thought they were congratulating me on my new Young Women's calling. No..... on being pregnant.
"What?" I responded.
Ya. They tried to convince me that my hubby probably did it. No way, he's never on Face book.
So with Josh's phone during Sunday school I was checking it and there were like 12 comments on my status. Come to find out it said; "I guess sometimes God has an unexpected plan for you. Looks like we are getting another bundle of joy to add to our little family. Talk about a leap of faith..."
Ha, Ha, Ha I guess the joke was on me. It was the Clary's. They though that maybe we were mad. No reason to be mad........but revenge is mine! So I spent that night making sure everyone knew the truth. Family was just hurt that I wouldn't tell them first before the whole world. It's true fam, you are my number one and you will never find out more info on face book then by speaking to me- don't worry.
Now we live upstairs from these crazy new friends and we just love them. Thank goodness God puts people in your life that you can just connect with, laugh a ton with and have fun together.
Even though life has been a bit crazy and we are now in a new place, I am excited to be where we are and who knows what will come into our lives this year.
I am sure we will be here a year from now, but I really don't plan on getting pregnant for a long time. Rachel is still my baby. I am sure we will have many pranks and laughs, yet we may even experience tears and trials. Life is full of mystery and that is why I am glad God is on my side and with me everyday, and all the time.

Remember to Laugh.
This is what keeps me Happy.
I am so glad I married someone with a sense of humor, because I can honestly say that he makes me laugh everyday, even if it is over something silly and of no worth. Life is to short and it is what we make out of our lives. We are the ones who make our lives the way they are.
So I am making a choice now.....  to make everyday better then the last and to take more time to laugh and be silly.
Today James, Rachel and I were dancing all over the house, making funny faces and getting dizzy. Rachel just smiled the whole time as we blared the music and got jiggy with it. We also made a fort with blankets and our kitchen table. I love hanging out with my babies and creating these kind of moments- seeing James's smile and excitement over something so minimal made me want to be a more adventurous and exciting mother.


Becca said...

oh my gosh I LOVE YOU! and also...I live in fear afraid of what you are going to do. I know that revenge is inevitble.

thanks for the nice things you said about us. I thought we moved here for financial stability and security. I thought that's why God wanted us here. I think he wanted us to meet you guys. You have been great examples and friends to us in such a short amount of time. Thanks for that.

Stacey said...

Yeah so I was dying when I heard! You could do it though! You are an amazing mom! Lets get together soon!!