Monday, January 3, 2011

The Nights Before Christmas

and Kissing

Playing in the snow
Bundling up for the cold outdoors
At Jumping Jacks for a ward activity

Having a little Christmas 2 days before with my few family members. This was my first Christmas ever not being home in Canada with everyone for Christmas eve and day.
Mom and dad gave James a little airplane track that he loves to watch Go!
They gave me angel body butter, leopard print warm PJ's.Josh the game sequence and Rachel a crib mattress. I loved having them stop in on their way to Virginia, to spend Christmas with Stacy, my sis and her family.
Before Christmas Eve arrived, I cooked some yummy meals. We read Christmas books and watched Christmas Story and the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I baked and took plates of goodies and Christmas cards to Friends and Family. We did a Secret Santa and ended up looking for my friends ring  in the snow and ice water from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am. It was a night we will never forget; freezing, crying, praying, helpful stranger, hot chocolate, and finally finding it at 11:00 am and rejoicing.


Visiting the Salem Pond Lights on Christmas Eve. We tried to go the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights, but the line of cars was hours too long.
James had a great time, especially watching the ducks. Can you believe it, there were ducks out being fed the day before Christmas.
After our little walk, we talked to James about the importance of helping others and how some people just don't have a lot. We got together a bunch of things and food and James helped me place it on their doorstep, and we ran. Then we headed home and unwrapped gifts from Santa's Elves.
 We each got warm Christmas PJ's.
Look at her little booty bear bum. So dang cute!
For the 12 days of Christmas we had opened one piece of the Nativity every night. Whenever James saw the Christmas bag, he knew there would be another piece to add to the stable. For the 12 days I read from the children scripture books the story of Jesus' birth, yet each day I would add on another part, according to which piece he would open. This was a highlight for James. He loved playing with each character and placing them in the stable. Finally on Christmas eve he unwrapped BABY JESUS. James held baby Jesus and we talked about how important he was and that it was his birthday.  From all the many nights of playing with these breakable characters, James only managed to break Joseph's head off. Oh well, the lesson of Jesus is definitely in his mind, and that is what really matters.
 Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
James was excited but unsure what to think, and slept until nine and then woke up in a blink.
Rachel slept snugly and had milk dreams, and gave a big smile all night it seems. 
When up they all got and Jesus appeared in the hallway, wrapped in his cloth and even some hay.
They knew it was time, because JESUS was HERE, and mommy took them downstairs without any fear. 
(To create a main focus on Baby Jesus, more than Santa, I told James he couldn't come out of his room until Jesus was in the hallway.... it was neat seeing James point and say "Baby", then me asking "Baby Who?" and him saying "Jesus". I want my kids to focus more on Jesus, than if Santa came. My kids may be to young to understand, but it might stick some year if I make it a tradition, right?) 
 Santa did find us.......

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!! We need to get together again sooooon!! He I took the pictures of our little party from your blog I hope that's okay! That was so fun!