Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rachel at 5 months

16 lbs 8oz
25. 5 inches
In the 75% range
Growing healthy and is completely happy.

Rachel you have made us so happy and have made the adjustment to 2 so easy.
You are such a smiler. 
You will be crying in your bassinet and I will come up to see if you are okay, and when you see me you stop crying instantly and give me a gummy big smile. 
When I walk into a room, you know exactly who I am and just keep staring at me and even sometime start fussing until I hold you. I believe you are a  mommy's girl.My favorite thing to see is when you wake up in the morning and how you get so excited when you see me. Your smile is to die for. 
You love touching anything your hand can get a hold of, mostly my hair (which we find everywhere, even in your diapers) and while I nurse you, you love putting your fingers in my mouth and have me nibble on them. I love that too though,I think it is a form of security for you. 
I have loved loved nursing you so much. You are so good at it and I just love having that one on one time with you in bed and every 3 hours during the day. It makes me stop everything I am doing and really focus on you, my little angel. I really feel a bonding between me and you. 
This Christmas was really magical, even though you had no idea what was going on. You made it special, being our baby and talking about baby Jesus. You loved to look at all the Christmas lights and I know you were curious as to what all the hype was about. Happy 1st Christmas sweetie.
Now that you are five months, you love to sit up in a bumbo or highchair. 
You have been teething for the last month and are a big slobberer. You love your little fingers or anyone elses that will let you gum them. You have never been a big binky baby. 
Today you found your own thumb (I must admit it was adorable to see you sucking it, but I don't want that to become a habit). I can feel two teeth on the bottom coming through. I use oragel on your gums and you seem to really love the taste off it and how it feels, because you always give me a happy face. 
 You are wearing 3-6 month clothing, but I can tell they won't last you long. You are a growing little girl. You have the cutest thighs. They are so rolly and your skin is super soft. So many people who hold you always comments on your soft skin.
You laugh so hard when mommy or daddy tickle you on your thighs, tummy or armpits. It is the cutest thing- watching you squeal. You are a big baby talker too, you love making noises and you can go on for a long time.
Whenever James is around you, it seems like you want his attention. When you gives you kisses or shows you pictures in a book, you smile so big. I really think you love that boy already.

You are trying to sit up by yourself, but usually can't keep your upper body from falling over (your top heavy). You roll a lot and you love your little toy dangler thing that you lay under. It keeps you very occupied. You hate the car seat and let us all know it.
Sadly, I can not say that you sleep through the night yet. You gave me a few great nights, but now you wake up every 4 to 5 hours. I don't know what happened this last week, but you were waking up every 3 hours. Please snap out of this and sleep more just for your mommas sake. I feel exhausted and totally tired all the time.
You started eating rice cereal and love it. You are pretty good at keeping it down, but you are always pulling at the spoon, wanting to do it yourself. You have a pretty great grip too.
You are adorable and such a wonder to have in our lives. You make me realize everyday, just how blessed I am. I love being your mommy and I just love how much you always want me or need me, but you go to strangers pretty easy too.

Just a side note:
On the day mommy and daddy spoke in church, you were fed and taken care of and I thought you would sleep through all of the sacrament meeting like you usually do. Well, about one minute before we went up to speak you freaked out, so loud even the person conducting made a comment that you didn't want me to speak. Thank goodness to my friend, she took you out and was able to calm you down. But I honestly had never seen you so frustrated. Perfect timing I guess- ya right. I felt so bad.
Cries, no sleep, poopy diapers: I wouldn't change this for anything.

1 comment:

Richard and Camie said...

She is so adorable!!! I was so happy to see you guys the other day and we should try getting together, the boys would have a blast! Happy five months Rachel!