Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Few Weeks of Life

The first week was nice having my parents here to help me out. I was able to relax in bed and around the house, and my only concern was to nurse and tend to Rachel. Mom and dad took care of James, dinner, cleaning and everything else. I seriously have never been so lazy. I am the kind of person that is always go go go. Josh always comments on how I don't know how to relax. So this time through everyone wanted me to rest and relax because I never do, not even with James did I take it easy, and the recovery was quite hard. By the end ,of the 1st week I felt much better. Yet, I didn't want my parents to leave, it was way to nice having them take care of me and my family. The second weeks was a total adjustment as I had to learn how to juggle James who is very active and loves for me to play and be with him, while nursing and cuddling with Rachel who is the newborn. Along side of that cleaning and cooking and doing all the odds and ends that a wife manages to do. There were some days that I never got ready and was still in my PJ's by the time Josh got home. At first I felt bad that I didn't have dinner ready on the table and have a spotless home. His response made me smile when he said, "Shannan don't worry about it, your doing everything right, you're taking care of our children." He is such a great man and has really made me recognize what really matters. There will be days like those and that is alright.

Yet, after a week of being home and recovering, I had to get out of the house and do something. So the last day before mom and dad left, we went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Rachel did pretty good, I only had to feed her once while we were out. It was nice to get ready for the day and enjoy each others company. I sure love my parents ,they are great supporters and have been a tremendous help with my recovery and James. As you can see, I have decked my little lady up in pink and a big bow in the middle of her forehead. Oh, she is just too cute for words.

Rachel's 2 Week Doctors Appointment: Weight: 8lbs 9 oz (When she left the hospital she dropped down to 6 lbs 10 oz. That is about 2 lbs in 2 weeks) Length: 21 inches Head: As Dr. Savage held Rachel she nestled her in her arms and said she was beautiful and perfect. She is completely healthy and getting plenty of milk (as you can tell with the weight gain). She is pretty alert for a newborn, when she has wake time she opens her dark blue eyes and just looks around. I often wonder if there are angels in the room as she seems to be in a deep gaze and focused on what seems like nothing to me. Ever since day one, Rachel has had a pretty strong neck. Lately she has been bobbing her head up and down as she is trying her very hardest to keep it steady. Our little girl has been spoiled with snuggles. She is always held and loves it. Bed time has been a little difficult because she wants to be held during this time too. I have had to try so many different ways to make her comfortable and content during the night. During nursing she drinks real well and will fall asleep on me, she sure lets me know just how much she wants me to hold her and to be close to me. She doesn't like the bassinet much, yet I have found the best thing for her is to place her in her car seat, which I place in her bassinet right next to my bed. I am still figuring out what works best with her. As for me, I am lacking sleep because I do let her sleep with me a little during the night, but I am only partially asleep during this time. She is feeding most nights between every 2 to 3 hours, depending on her crying. So when the morning hits and James is yelling to get out, I pull my tired self out of bed and start a new day. I guess moms will always be tired no matter what. And isn't it all worth it?
Rachel is amazing at how well she latches on and drinks. Rachel is either sleeping, drinking or looking around. She wears newborn clothes which are still a little big on her and drowns in anything else.
We always call her our little bug or as cute as a button.
She is just so little and so dependant on me.
I wish she could stay this little for longer.
I love when she holds tightly onto my finger.
She also loves my hair.
(Maybe it's a comforting thing, she knows it's her mama or it's just something to hold onto.)
I have never seen a baby held so much. She is spoiled with love.

She prefers someone holding her or laying next to her.

I can tell she is most content when she has that body heat next to her.

(I try to trick her and nestle her with blankets, it works only sometimes.)

She likes her little brother who is constantly kissing her.

And her brother adores her and will get sad when she cries.

She is a happy little girl, but does have a pair of lungs when she is hungry.
Her hair is awesome and brown.
Mom says she looks like me when I was a baby from the nose up.
I love putting flowers or bows in her hair where ever we go or even if we are just at home.
She has major bm's that are a mustard color a few times a day.
Rachel has added a new excitement to the lives of the Nielson's.
This is the beginning and it will only continue......


Lisa said...

Hey Shannan...Rachel is absolutely beautiful! About sleeping, one tip I've heard before is when you get up to feed her, put a hot water bottle in her bed, so that when you lay her down she is laying down in a warm place.

Good luck with the craziness of two young kids. For some odd is easier with #5! Maybe I am just so used to being sleep deprived it isn't as much of an adjustment. :)

Richard and Camie said...

She is so precious! I love Josh's comment to you about not being ready or having dinner on the table. I would apologize for the day getting away from me to Richard and he said something along those same lines, "Honey, if our children are healthy, happy and well taken care of and the house didn't burn down it was a successful day." I am sure that like me you are very task-oriented (it comes with the teacher territory:)and it is hard if I don't feel like I accomplished everything,but I love that he supports me and understands those days and I am so happy for you that your husband understands how important and difficult our jobs can be at times too. Rachel is absolutely beautiful I love all the pictures!