Sunday, June 7, 2009

James at 7 months

James is growing everyday. He has become quite skilled at doing some "big boy things." These milestones have sure made me excited, yet sad at the same time. Every evening daddy and I go into his room and just stare at him, say our prayers and always thank God for giving us such an amazing, fun spirited, cutie pie. His smile is the cutest little smile that lightens any ones day,seriously we will be in public and he is always making heads turn and smile. He is such a happy little guy, full of giggles, and such a great personality. Even though he is only 7 months old, his personality is sure taking off. I just love how he will go to anyone with no complaints, how he just loves people, especially little kids his age or older.
James loves this little carrier, sometimes he will cry abit if I am cleaning or something and all I have to do is put him on me like this and he is a happy little one. He just loves the interaction between people. I am always talking to him, either singing a song, talking baby talk with him, being silly with him, reading books, and just having fun hearing him talk in his baby talk. He has become so skilled in grabbing things, holding things and using his motor skills. He is such an intense individual. So many times he grabs things, he pulls it to his mouth and gives a big "Ugg" sound, while keeping an intense face. He is so funny to watch. James is a lover of long walks in the stroller, being outside and being with people. He is quite the little man on the move. James seems to never be able to take a break from moving all over the place. So many people have told me that I am going to be on e busy momma once he starts crawling. One of his favorite times is still bath time. He loves being in the water, splashing and playing with his rubber ducky. One of his other favorite things is being around animals, especially dogs. He gets so excited when an animal is in the same room. He loves to grab or pet the dogs hair, sometimes he gets so excited and he just grabs his hair, we have to release his hands before it effects the dog. Maybe someday James will have a dog of his own. Someday..... This little man is best buds with his daddy. His eyes lighten up when daddy enters the room. Daddy plays a little game with him, like peak-a-boo, and James' whole body gets into it. His arms, legs and basically his whole bady start wiggling all over the place. His whole face is covered with a huge smile and he just laughs his little head off. He love his daddy, and I will admit that he is one lucky boy, to have a dad that just loves him so much. James is now so independent. He now sits in booster chairs, he sits completely by himself and doesn't need any support at all. He is rolling all over the place. He can now reach anything he wants too. I can't leave him on the bed or any unsafe place, because you never know how fast this boy will get somewhere. James had his first temple visit. James and I went to the Timpanogas Temple just to walk around the grounds and hang out on such peaceful grounds. I kept on singing "I love to see the temple...I'm going there someday." I am sure James loves it and is totally planning to go there someday(I hope). This little guy is a total eater and loves food. He loves fruit the best. He is not a picky eater at all, besides not liking the homemade carrots I pureed up for him. He loves to move when he eats though, sometimes we end up with tons of food on his face and anywhere else he plans to fling it. We are trying to learn how to get it all in the mouth and not to make such sudden movements of grabbing the spoon and scooting himself wherever he pleases. I have learned something about his sleeping patterns. If I put James to sleep before 8 o'clock he usually sleeps for a good 12 hours. Yet, if I put him to bed later on, he usually always wakes up at 4 0'clock a.m. I have read in some books that babies has automatic alarm clocks and if they do not get to sleep before their alarm clock goes off, they will have a rougher night, waking up earlier than usual. When he gets his 12 hours sleeps, he is so happy in the morning. I hear him whimpering in the next room, wake up, go into his room, look in his crib and see the cutest baby kicking his feet with the biggest smile on his face.
To my dearest sweet baby James,
Your mommy and daddy love you so much and love being your parents. It is amazing how much time we spend with you and just how much we love you more every single day. Everyday we look at you and feel like we have everything we could ever want. you make our lives complete and you bring all the joy in the world to us. We are so spoiled to have you with us every single day. You want to be such a big boy, but to me you will always be my baby. Thanks for all the smiles, loves and memories you give to us everyday. We are lucky parents and love you more than words can say. Everynight before you go to sleep I say:
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as eternity, my sweet baby James you will be.


Briann said...

what a big boy!

Meggan Butterfield said...

Gosh WE miss you guys! James is super cute and growing way to fast!

sillyhaywardfamily said...

your aunt jessie loves you very much too!!! you are getting so big and have the cutest happiest face!!!!

Briann said...

Happy happy Birthday Shannon!