Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sniffles and Coughs

Jameserman is not feeling to hot. He has had a really runny nose and a little cough. It makes me so sad when he coughs so much and I can't do anything for him. These last 2 days have been a little tough knowing exactly what to do for him when he is belting out with his terror cry. I have found that one of the only things that works is taking him outside. He loves to be outside. As he hears a car coming closer, he turns his head and follows it with his eyes. It is so funny to watch, it's like the way dogs watch cars. I just pray that James will get better soon. I hate to see him sick and not feeling his best. He threw- up for his 3rd time 2 days ago, it was a lot of rice cereal that came out of our little boy. I must admit that James is a total champ though, he can go from feeling so sick and sad to a happy smiley little stud in just minutes (when he wants to). I have never see cuter feet than his little feet. I constantly nibble on them. I am so proud to be the mother of our little James.


JethRobyn said...

I'm sorry, there is nothing worse then dealing with a sick baby! It just feels so helpless because you can't identify the problem and make it better. I hope little James gets feeling better soon. PS...try a humidifier for the cough, if you already haven't. Linc has had a pretty bad cough this last month, and that helps him breathe at night.

Lacey said...

Oh poor baby!! It is so sad when your little ones dont feel well. I think the only positve thing about it is the extra cuddle time that comes a long with it! Give him a big snuggle from us! Love you guys!

Jen & George Scott said...

Oh Shan - I hate when they are sick and you can't do anything. Give him kisses and hugs from me. Also send me your email address so I can add you onto my private list.