Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Super Hero Family for Halloween 2009

Introducing:The INCREDIBLE HULK SUPERMAN SUPERWOMAN The Nielson Family is pretty SUPER and INCREDIBLE!! I made the pants and bought the shirt. James acted the part very naturally as he does almost everyday, of the Incredible Hulk. He's so intense and has complete facial expressions. Now that he is walking, he even walks like the Hulk too. The evening of Halloween, James went Trick or Treating for his first time. We went to the Provo Town Mall were almost all the stores were giving out candy, than we went to Spanish Fork to see some of our old friends. We took all the kiddo's trick or treating around our old neighborhood and they loved it. It was great seeing everyone and for them to see how big James is now that he is almost one years old.
Here James and Carter Man are checking out the candy, that they "won't be eating", but their parents will. To end the night we went and saw Nana and papa too. James was kinda scared at what he saw. He didn't cry or anything he just sat there looking like this....
SCHOOL PARTYHere are the majority of the 3rd graders all dressed up right after the Halloween parade. Josh and James joined us too- they were a big hit for all the kids. I was Cleopatra, because we were asked to dress as someone that we would be studying in history through out the year.
Dressing up with the cousins isn't always fun for baby James. He hardly even knows whats going on. Yet, he loves the Halloween season with his cousins very much.
Check out these matching cuties in Halloween socks.
I love those legs, I just want to eat them.


Nehring Fun said...

I love the cosutmes!! You did a great job..James looks so cute!! Wow he is getting so big! Love you!

Briann said...

so so cute! It was great seeing you guys, don't be strangers!