Thursday, November 19, 2009

James at 12 months/ 1 year

My little love bug is now 12 months, or even more scary 1 year old. It's scary to me because it has gone by so fast. It feels like I was just in the hospital holding him in my arms, looking at him and just thinking about how tiny he was. Now he is like triple the size and doesn't need his mommy and daddy for everything. He is much more independent.
Some of his favorite friends are his cousins, he just loves to be around them. He has learned a lot from them too, because they are bigger than him. He wants to be just as big as them, so he will try to do just what they do. Little McKay has been a little biter and James has had to take a lot of bites from him, along with a lot of tears too to follow. I just hope this is not one thing he learns from him.
He now has 4 big teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. He loves to eat big people food, especially apples, crackers, etc.
James loves the park. He takes off when he's there. Sometimes I have to keep an extra eye on him, just because he is fear free to do anything. He loves slides the best. When he goes down by himself he prefers to go backward on his belly. When he reaches the bottom with a huge grin he keeps trekking and wanting to go again and again. This kid never stops!
He watched his cousin to see how it is done, and of course he had to try the exact thing, with extra supervision of course.We love Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove the most, there is so much to do there.
James is becoming more of a mommy's boy. I love it! He totally reaches for me and prefers me and daddy out of anyone. There is no doubt that he knows who we are. My favorite is watching him find me in a group of people and him walking over to me with his hands up wanting me to pick him up. That is the greatest sight.
His smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen. As he is one years old now, I have seen a drastic personality revolve. He is a fun kid and full of energy and excitement for life. He is curious and in to everything he sees. He is so ticklish and loves any type of ball. He throws it back and forth, he is a great clapper and he can even give us five. He is amazingly smart for a 1 year old. I am shocked at how he figures things out. I am so proud of him and the little guy he has become in the last, and only year in his life.
Dear James,
You are one now, yet you are still my little angel baby. You have taught me so much about myself and about being a mother. I never knew that being a mother could be such an amazing experience in life. I love seeing you every single day. Everywhere I take you, I show you off and am just so lucky to have such a handsome, adorable cutie as my own. There is no words to really tell you the love I feel for you. Everyday I feel closer to you and feel a strong bond with you. You put the biggest smile on my face. Thank you for being such an easy, special little guy to fall in love with. You have spiced up my life and you are one of the main reasons, besides daddy, that I have a huge purpose in life. You are my everything. I love you and HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY love bug.
Love you always and forever,


Jen & George Scott said...

Shanny, I don't know why it didn't come. I am sorry. The party is on Sat. the 28th at 1 pm at my house. Hope you can make it!!!

Lacey said...

Happy birthday, big guy!! Cannot believe that he is 1 already!! Time just goes way too fast!! We love you little man! Happy, happy birthday!

JethRobyn said...

Holy Cow, I swear we were just visiting you in the hospital, and now he is one! What a cute guy! I'm sorry we couldn't make it to his party, it looked like fun! We should hang out soon, come see our new house!

McCandless Co. said...

Shanns, he is such a cutie! I can't believe he is 1 either, it seems like you and Jen just barely had your thing you know he will be 3 and you will wonder where all that time went by.
Hope you are doing great, I think you look sooo much like you mom in that picture, beautiful!

Emily said...

Your family is so cute! Kennedy came home from school and told me I had to check out your blog! I can't believe James' is one already!!! Time flies when you're having fun! Thanks for being such a great person and influence in Kennedy's life :)