Saturday, February 7, 2009

The joys of 3rd grade

I have loved teaching 3rd grade this year. I have an excellent group of students and I could not ask for a better co teacher to partner teach with me, now that I am part time so I can be with baby James more. Teaching is my passion and I love these students so much and only want the best for them. I can honestly say that this is my dream job, besides being a mother. Just the girls.I have such beautiful little girls in my class and I love that they are so pretty and on top of things. They really make my class special. These pictures were taken on Friday, so it was jean day and Liberty shirt day, usually they are in their uniforms. This was Liberty day, we won for being the most red throughout the school. We got a class pizza party for having so much school spirit. Yahh!!


Lacey said...

It looks like you have a fantastic class! And congrats to Josh for the nomination... we hope it all works out! James is such a cutie! I thought that for sure we would have babies that looked similar but it just goes to show that jeans have a mind of their own and babies some how find ways to be different! Thanks so much for taking care of and loving Cadeo! He had so much fun and has told me many times how much he "loves baby James!" You guys are awesome... Love you!

Richard and Camie said...

How great that you are teaching part-time! Your classroom looks great! I agree, I definietly think that teaching is the dream job next to being mommy! I hope that you guys have a great 1st Valentine's with James!