Saturday, February 7, 2009

Canada New Years 2009

James was really excited about the year 2009. He was all smiles while in Canada with his Grandparents, aunts and uncles. We all got to do a gingerbread house. Let's just say that we had a lot of fun doing it, while eating it too. Ours had the initials J and S, representing the boys and I. Then we went out on the town with everyone. We went out to eat at The Dinesty (Chinese Food). Thanks mom and dad for always spoiling all of us, we had a blast. Later on that evening we went to a movie, then home to relax, play games and drink some sparkling grapefruit juice. We were all acting a little out of it for the picture. Our family played Settlers of Catan almost every evening until at least 2:00am. We are a bit to intese about that game, but it was sure competative and fun. Josh worked in the bitter cold, cutting wood. It was-50 degrees, it was freezing. We stayed in the majority of the time. I have lived in Canada the majority of my life, but this was the coldest I ever remember it being. I don't miss that part about Canada at all. I love the Utah winters, they are cold, but berable. Way to go Joshy, wehad plenty of wood for the fireplace.

1 comment:

JethRobyn said...

He's turning into quite the handsome little boy!! I love it! I'm glad you had fun in Canada, I need to call you some time, it's been to long!