Tuesday, August 2, 2011

James' Quotables and Notables

 My stud James HAD the best hair.
He was born bold and didn't actually start getting hair until he was one. So when the time finally came that I could do it, with gel and a comb it was exciting. 
I actually really enjoyed doing it and it just made him that much cuter than he already was. Which was crazy because he is such an adorable, handsome creature.
When we got home from California the weather was hot and Josh persisted that we BUZZ his hair.
At first I said "No". Then he kept on saying how every summer when he was young him and Jared always got a buzz because it felt better. 
Well, I finally gave in and said OK, since he said it would grow back fast. 
The next thing I know I walk into the bathroom and James' hair is all over the tub and their was a lot too. 
I gasped and said, " That short?" He had it at a 1.
I seriously was so sad. All, I mean all of his hair was gone. Ahhhhh!!
I thought he was going to do a buzz, not close to a bick. 
 So for that week Josh had to keep reminding me that it would grow back. I guess it will.
But I just loved his thick blond hair.
So now we are starting all over again, from square one. 
Grow hair GROW!!
It was sad because a few days later James was feeling really sick and looked a little pale. So with no hair Josh and I kind or teased that he was our chemo baby. Not really funny, but he totally looked sicker than usual.
Well, he is happy as ever and I love touching his head. Because it feels so cool, he thinks it's pretty sweet too. And even after about a month it is growing back a little at a time.
I guess I was a little over the top with this one.
It's only hair right?
And he is still a total STUD!

1 comment:

Richard and Camie said...

LOL! Richard and I had that similar conversation about buzzing our boys' heads. We did Camden's and I thought he looked like a cancer patient too. James is so handsome even with very little hair!