Sunday, April 11, 2010

How did James' First Hair Cut Go?

Before: ( smooth, soft silky strawberry blond hair, it was even curly if I added gel, yet it was a little to long to style)
At 17 months he got his first hair cut and it was quit an experience for our little guy.
During: (I'll let you be the judge, his facial expressions explain exactly how he felt about the electric razor) Daddy was right beside him the whole time, giving him love and letting him know he'd be okay. There goes all his hair that took so long to grow, his first year of life he was practically bald. He took a break from crying for a few minutes, thanks to the fruit snacks and daddy's comforting head lock. But then he burst out again. He did not like that vibrating loud razor one bit. Finally his hair was gone, the hair cut was over and he DID walk out a happy boy. It was a bit shorter than I expected, but thank goodness hair grows back.

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