Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This is the question....

Today we find out if James is going to be an older brother of a sister or brother. I feel as though I have never had the mother intuition of knowing exactly what my child will be. With James, Josh and I would always call him a boy even before we found out he was male. Yet, right before I went into get the ultrasound of James I changed my guess to a girl, because everyone I talked to always said you get what you least expect. As for this child I have totally been thinking both ways, we want a little boy so James can have a close buddy,plus we have all the handy downs too- it would be a lot cheaper. Yet I want a little girl because she would be so much fun to doll up and have as my little princess. Either way it would be a win win. Well just yesterday I had to come up with a guess. It was hard to stand by my decision, because each time I think it is a boy I think about a girl, vice versa. So I am just making a complete guess when I say that I think it may be a girl. Plus, last night I had a petal party with my friends, where we made a bunch of dang cute hair flowers and it kind of wore off on me that having a girl would be fun to deck out in cute little girly things. I will stand by this until we find out, even though I wish I could say that I know and can feel that my baby is a certain gender. Josh has always wanted another little guy for James and to start building his sports teams. So this whole time again he has been saying it is a boy. I guess we will find out at 3:30p.m. And since it is 12:15 a.m right now I think I better go to sleep so I can function tomorrow. But..... I am so excited to find out if we are having another boy or girl. I think that when you actually find out the gender it actually begins to feel more real and I can actually start getting ready for the baby. What a great thing to look forward to today, maybe I will dream a mother, child dream where I will wake up knowing. Ya right, I don't work that way- I wish. The anticipation is killing me. I am 20 weeks now and NEED to KNOW!!


Unknown said...

I'm SO excited to find out!!!! :)

Robyn said...

OK, crazy but I had a dream about you last night. We came to see you and you were going to have the baby any minute. The baby was moving all over the place and I could see HER foot pushing on your tummy. It was crazy! So yeah, you are having a girl, you told me in my dream :)

Holly said...

I can't wait!

Richard and Camie said...

I am so excited for you Shannan! I can't wait to find out what you are having! I am guessing a boy just because I thought that Camden was a girl and it turned out to be a boy...maybe I will be right this time:)