Saturday, October 4, 2008
I have been thinking a lot about our little angel who is growing and getting ready to come down to us. It really is a miracle how a little one is formed into a perfect being. We just feel so honored and grateful to have the opportunity to bring an innocent and perfect child into this world. As I am now 34 weeks today, I am feeling my little boys personality. Josh and I have really been enjoying the kicking and communication we have with little James through touch. Whenever I start rubbing, poking or touching my stomach he starts to react and sometimes I can even grab some part of his body. It is so much fun seeing my stomach go up and down and doing the wave. It is so neat to seriously see him moving so much. I am sure he is going to be one active baby.
Throughout this pregnancy I have really felt strongly about having a natural birth, without medication. My mind is at great peace when I think of this, to some of you I know you may think I am crazy and think, "good luck", yet as we all know it is up to the one that actually has to go through the birth. Josh and I have been attending Hypnobirthing classes every Wednesday.
I love the idea of hypnobirthing and how their whole method is to make the natural birth more comfotable, easy and relaxing. It is not as it sounds, it is not actually getting hypnotized, it is getting yourself into such a deep relaxation that you place your mind some place else, other then where the pain is expected to be. I have been learning that giving birth is so painful because of the fight or flight that the mother goes into during the stages of bearing a child. I have been learning that we have to place mind over matter and allow our body to do what it is intended to do naturally. I am a true believer that my birth can be easy and enjoyable, with my husband, who will be my amazing birthing coach. Almost every night I do a relaxation technique with Josh or with a CD that helps me relax. It feels good to have to make time for myself. I think I have been getting wrapped up in everything I have to do and where I have to be that sometimes I forget about me. During these relaxation times, I feel united with James and am able to think about the birth and focus on what really matters- My little family.
We are so excited to have our little guy join us soon. I have no complaints as I have had a very easy pregnancy. I have not been sick, emotional or different. I feel that I have been extremely blessed and the only change I can actually notice is my big tummy that keeps on growing, growing and growing everyday. My tummy is so tight and I just keep on thinking how can it stretch anymore? I am not able to eat as much as I would like either, because James is taking all the room. It seems that my stomach is squished or smaller or something, cause trust me I want to eat more, I just get so full and have to go to the bathroom so often. Oh, the joys of becoming a mother are all worth it.
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Shannan, all the more power to ya... let me just tell ya, I asked for the drugs, but because Jack came soooo fast (um, basically 10 minutes from 1st contraction to him here), I pushed during contractions, and I honestly don't remember having them. I, like most women, know I am strong, so why try to do it alone (hence drugs), but I am glad that I got through it. Had the process been longer, I don't know if I could've done it, but good for you! I'm excited for ya. They grow up so fast!
That is awesome that you are taking classes! I strongly considered doing the hypnobirthing with Beckam but different things presented themselves and I wasnt able to but I have heard amazing things about it. You will have to let me know how it goes and maybe we could add one more Nielson the the "natural" list ;) We are excited to see our little baby James!
Shannan, you are brave.
I did a natural childbirth with my Son almost a year ago. It was the most amazing experience. We attended the Bradly method classes, but reading what you say about relaxation and giving into the pain from the hypnobirth is exactly what we learned all about. I would imagine they are quite similar. Good luck and enjoy :)
Yay for you Shannan! We used hypnobirthing when I gave birth to Kort and it was amazing. The greatest thing I gained from the hypno classes was that there was no need to fear. My body was made to do this and I could just breathe deep and relish the experience of bringing my son into the world. Fear doesn't come from God and you can't have fear and faith at the same time. It is the fear that makes us clamp up tight, and it is the faith that allows us to let go and let God. Make no mistake - the last 3 or 4 contractions before it was time to push were INTENSE, but it just made the whole experience more clear and vivid and real for me. I was so full of joy and energy when it was all over...I immediately wanted to do it all over again. I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see him!
Go for it! Obviously, I Had Aria naturally and I LOVED IT! You aren't BRAVE( per say) you are just AWARE and PRESENT and in touch with the process and experience of Birth. I'm very proud of your decision:) Love ya!
WOW!! You have some gutsy people writing here!! I mean that in a nice way!! I am a wuss. I know I'm a wuss. I could never give birth with out that blessed epidural!!! I think anyone who can do it and "enjoy" it, is incredible! Granted I don't really have a choice this go 'round due to my repeat c-section, but I loved those drugs when I went into labor with Jack.
You can do it! I know you. You are a strong person. And of course, "Good luck"
Hey Shannan!! I'm so excited for you to have a baby! I'd love to come to your shower. I'm back in Utah county so I hope I can make it. My email address is
You are so cute pregnant by the way!
Hey Shannan, congrats on having a baby in a couple of weeks. I had an epidural with my first, and then the next two natural. I found the recovery and experience so much better delivering natural. The book I read that helped me the most was "How to have a safe and satisfying birth". I didn't take any classes, but I'll never forget the nurse saying to me "you are the most relaxed labouring woman I've ever seen!" LOL. You are right that if you can relax during the contractions when your natural instinct is to tense up, things actually don't hurt as much and everything moves faster. Good luck!
Shannan! I love it! I remember telling you about HypnoBirthing and was so relieved that you never had that attitude of 'good luck' or 'you're crazy' towards me. It honestly was the most exhilarating experience, especially after the baby is born and you have the biggest endorphine rush you've ever had in your life! I'll e-mail you my number so you can put it into your phone. Let me know when your little James comes, and we'll come visit with our Mason James!
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