Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rachel at 3 months

I am late on this post, but better late than never. I will recap her happenings from October 4th to November 4th, at 3 months old. Rachel was still decked out in her cloths and was wearing 0-3 month clothing. She barley ever wore shoes because they would usually end up falling off. Rachel weighed between 13 and 14 lbs and is still an amazing nurser. Thank goodness she has gotten over her gas problem she was having earlier. I felt so bad for her little body. Now she is doing a lot better at nights. One night she gave me 10 hours. It was awesome, but I kept checking on her to make sure she was still breathing. Regularly she gives me about 5 to 6 hours of sleep. She has been joining us for baths now, and she loves the warm water. She is still so itsy-bitsy and enjoyed her time in the bucket with James by her side. James was so gentle and loving to her. It was just fun seeing him all protective for his sister. Don't worry we were right next to them, just in case.
We have made weekly trips to the library and Rachel just nestles in her sling right close to me. She loves the sling and will be out and not make a peep the whole time. Rachel is still one who just loves to be held. I have started to do a lot more tough love. I have had her cry herself to sleep and lay in the swing a lot more this month. Yet it seems to be helping as each time it seems she can put herself to sleep easier. I do feel like I can get more things done. I look back at the first 2 months and really think that all I did was hold and stare at her all day and tend to James. I didn't get much else down. I am trying to get James and Rachel to sleep at the same time, even though Rachel will only sleep about 45 minutes to 1 hour increments. I have been trying to get her on a schedule of sleep, feed (full feedings), wake time and repeat again. Instead of just offering the boob every time she cries, I have made myself stick to this pattern the majority of the time. It does help and it does work, even though it is hard to see her cry.
She is a tough little one. Her neck has always been strong, but now she holds it up with not even a little bob. She knows how to inch herself up too in her bassinet and sometimes breaks up in a cry as she bumps her head at the top and can't move anymore. She has rolled over a few times on her own, so now I can't just leave her alone on the bed with no pillows around her to guard her. Her legs are now locking and she can put weight on them for a little bit at a time.
Rachel loves her brother, she smiles a lot around him and will sometimes just stare at him or smile at him. James loves his sister, he will only hold her for 2-8 seconds though and then he is done. James now includes Rachel in his prayers. When I ask him to point to the person he wants to say the prayer, he will point and say "Baby"sometimes.
We have a swing, but sadly the swing part doesn't work, but the music and constellations do. So sometimes I just have to push it or have James push it too. She doesn't love the swing for longer than 10 minutes, by then she wants to be held.
I am madly in love with this little cutie. She seems to be growing more everyday and her chunky cheeks I just nibble on all the time. She has such a peaceful spirit about her and is always so happy. At 3 months she experienced all the Halloween excitement and dressing up. Rachel will be experiencing tons of firsts in the next few months. First snow, Christmas, Canada, Cold, etc.


Richard and Camie said...

She is adorable! Isn't the sleep thing so hard? It seems like I get on a schedule with Camden and then he is getting a tooth or is sick and it throws the whole thing off. You are doing a great job!

the Lola Letters said...

Oh my gosh! We have the exact same swing and NONE of it works now! ha ha! Not the swing and not the lights or music.

We should sue the company...looks like "their" problem! ;)

Your kids are GORGE. Love catchin' up on you blog!